Model: CPV-4 Digital VOLTMETER
The CPV-4 is a DC digital voltmeter with a input resistance of 20 meg ohm and two voltage ranges. The first range is zero to two volts and the second is zero to 20 volts. The CPV-4 includes one Copper-Copper Sulfate Half Cell Electrode of your choice 2A, 6A, 6B, 8A or 8B. This is a great choice for all CP testers.
The Model CPV-4 CP Voltmeter has two ranges; +/- 2v DC and +/- 20v DC.
High input impedance for most CP applications.
Model: CPV-4 Digital VOLTMETER
Recommended Annually
0-90o C / 0-194o F
4-5/8" x 3-5/8" x 2-3/16"
Model: CPV-4 Digital VOLTMETER
Do not use this instrument in an explosive environment.
Model: CPV-4 Digital VOLTMETER
Parts & Accessories
#085-086 CPV-4 Instrument
#026-028 Cable Assembly (1Blk-1Red)
#029-130 Storage Case
#085-078 6A Half Cell Electrode
#177-056 36" Extension Handle (6 and 8 Series Half Cells)
#177-057 36" Extension Handle (2A Half Cell)
Comes with (1) 6-A Reference Electrode or your choice
Model: CPV-4 Digital VOLTMETER

Model: CPV-4
Cathodic Protection Digital Voltmeter
Hand Held Instrument
LCD digit display
20 Meg Ohm Impedance
Filter AC Interference
Heavy Duty Leads with Clamps
Works with T&R Reference Electrodes: 6A,6B, 8A, 8B
Storage Case
The Model CPV-4 kit includes:
CPV-4 Instrument
9v battery (installed)
Leads with Clamps (1Blk-1Red)
(1) 6-A Reference Electrode or your choice (See Electrodes Page)
Case with Foam Insert
Instructions Manual
Certificate of Calibration
Durable die-cast aluminum case
Powder coated finish
Integrated circuits
The CPV-4 is a DC digital voltmeter with a input resistance of 20 meg ohm and two voltage ranges.